I am a misfit but I have learned to disguise myself as one
of the masses….
Most of us are sheeple because we assimilate ourselves into
working society as one of them. My
closest friends know the real me and the uniqueness I bring to this world. We
go about our days looking and acting “normal” for all intents and purposes.
However, we cannot be unique if we wish to fit in for uniqueness is a sign of
something amiss in their world. Sheepleness is the standard and is expected. We
must all look alike, sound alike, dress alike think alike and behave under a
certain set of guidelines set forth by the sheeple who ran this society before
I am a sheeple only when I must be in order to have gainful
employment and to move about our world in a manner where society is accepting
of me because they think I am like them. I only wish I could be me all the time as
there is no one else I’d rather be than myself. Unfortunately, society’s
sheeples demand that I tow their line and be like them. The sheeple have been fooled into believing I
am one of them but I am not!
I am a misfit and I love being me.