Saturday, January 12, 2013

Rainy Day, Quiet House

I sit and listen ....
Hearing the drops fall endlessly on and on...

It is soothing to my spirit
to know that life is falling from the sky...

As we can not live without water.


  1. Dixie, this is a beautiful way to look at it.

  2. Aww thank you Gwen. I was perhaps waxing poetic a bit that day =)
    How are you doing this winter?

  3. Wonderful Dixie, the last month was spent at my drawing desk, practicing with various mediums and medias.. It has been a real treat... and now with our little studio/cottage sold we have the summer to look forward to, to do things we have been missing out on for many years when we had the building obsession.

    1. Congrats on the sell of your cottage! I so enjoyed the pic's you posted of it wishing I lived someplace so cool! Winter is a great time to settle in and work at ones art! I should slow down and do more but I've been too busy hanging out with my better half =) most weekends and I work during the weekdays! Leaves little time for me to be creative. When I am home I'm working outside the house planting and digging for spring!!!
