Tuesday, June 4, 2013

When death comes...

Sometimes when death comes, it is startling in it's arrival.
Unexpected and cruel too.

Today a vibrant 53 year old man died at my job. He was our landscaper. He had a massive heart attack while working outside and try as hard as I could to help, there was not much that could be done. His 22 year old son stood by and watched as helpless as I was. All we could do was hold him and tell him help was on the way. CPR was not an option as he still had a pulse and was still breathing every 15 to 20 seconds. He turned purple and my heart just broke for his son and family as I could tell he was leaving this world.

The ambulance came and his son rode away with them.

We got word about an hour later that he had passed away.

Death shocks me.

I know it's the natural process of life but it still shocks me when I experience it so abruptly.

Goodbye Michael.


  1. That must have been a devastating experience. For you and for his son!

    We all know death knows is neither just nor fair, but still... it gives the deepest of sadnesses.

    I'm sorry.


    1. Thank you Stephanie. It was hard sleeping last night. I keep second guessing myself and wondering if I could have done more. I talked to several people who have assured me I did the right things but still I wonder....

  2. Dixie, I know what you mean... we know "it" is always lurking but when it hits, it is always a shock. and very sad. and no turning back. I am sorry for all who witnessed it and the family. We have lost so many folks from our tiny village (pop.300) in the last year or so, it feels empty. I forget and expect to see them and their smile on the sidewalk to wave to and then remember they are gone.

    1. Thank you for your message Gwen. It is sad to expect someone to be there and realize that they won't be anymore, ever.
